Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wild Rice Soup & Happenings

Tonight I decided to try a simple soup recipe. This evening's dinner is Wild Rice Soup.

I grabbed the recipe from Trader Joe's recipes online. I wasn't sure about it at first but MAN was it tasty! A cup equaled about 100 calories and only 1 gram of fat. Gotta love that!

I also danced away some serious calories today with my son. We played Chipwrecked on the Xbox Kinect. LOADS of fun and lots of sweat! I did the figuring and I burned about 600 calories! Can't complain huh?

I am also waiting for my Zumba 7-disc set to arrive. I like dancing but I usually don't fair well when it comes to group coordination. I end up looking ridiculous- but as long as it helps get me fit, I'm all for it.

I am planning to get some measurements at the end of the month. I think I should pay attention to those numbers just as much as the scale's. Sometimes those digits are MORE important.

From experience, I know that there will be times ahead where I won't lose a pound or hit a plateau but will lose inches. I know this is waiting for me in the near future because I've always been the Plateau Queen. I will be prepared though. I won't fash. (That's an Irish phrase. lol)

So, how do I feel? Honestly, I feel great. I replenished my vitamins today and I've been sleeping through the night for the last twelve days or so. I drink more than the necessary eight glasses of water too. I'm so glad with this progress. I know it's due to my taking responsibility and control. So what's next?

I'm already working on Week Three's vlog. It's going smoothly and I can't wait to get it done. Be looking out for it!


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