Saturday, August 4, 2012

"Fake It Till You Make It!" - Week 33

Fake It Till You Make It!

     So, am I a supermodel?  Nope.  But I play one in my blog this week!  As you can see, I've been taking photos for a long time, since I was about 16.  I have been all over the world and have seen many beautiful places and people.  None as beautiful as myself, mind you.  I can be on any cover I so choose.  but I choose to be sharing information with you today.

     This week, I was asked to take time from my precious catwalk to share with you how to make it.  Yeah, I am to tell you about how, if you don't feel good about your situation, like when I was in Milan.  I asked to have all red roses about my room and to only give me blue M&M's and to even make sure that when I arrived, there were cotton balls set to my toilet seat- I have a tender bottom, they didn't do as I requested!  I had red roses, blue M&M's and a vinyl-covered toilet seat!  I was outraged that I threw the chaise lounge out of the twelve story- Oh!  I digress...  As I was saying before getting sidetracked, it is about how to be what you are not until you get there.

     When I was in elementary school, Halloween popped up and all students were invited to wear their costumes.  Well, my parents hadn't purchased our costumes yet, so my brother and I asked if they could get them the night before.  My parents said no but we could make costumes instead.    Now my brother and I didn't like the idea but decided to try it out.

     Well, my dad got those large, brown paper bags that are in the grocery store and he cut a hole in the bottom of the bag and holes for our arms on the sides.  Then told us to decorate the bag to look like a robot.  Needless to say, we were pissed to all get out!  No matter what we drew on those freaking paper bags, we didn't look like freakin' robots!  We were so made and I remember walking around the playground in the Halloween costume parade in that stupid paper bag.  I was so embarrassed.  I was laughed at.  I was angry and I wanted to go home but I wore it and made the best robot I could!  

     Now later that evening, my parents took my brother and I to the store and we got our costumes.  I don't remember what my brother was but I was Wonder Woman.  A little brown girl with pigtails and a white face with black, plastic hair.  It was hilarious, now that I look back but it was everything to me then.  I got to be what I wanted to be and not that freaking Bag-Bot!  (Momma, I know you remember- stop laughing!)

     Anyway, I got to be one of my favorite heroines that night.  I did tricks and cartwheels for candy - everything!  It was the best.  The point of my story is, we have to remember that we aren't always going to be who we want to be.  There are times when we want to be in that size 'whatever' jean or dress.  Men, you want to be able to wear that tuxedo when you get married or when you walk your daughter down the aisle.  We've all wanted to be who we aren't at one time or another.  We just have to be who we are IN THIS BODY until we get the weight off. 

     We have to do all we can to be as healthy as possible and get to our goals.  Doing it right the first time may not always work out.  It may take a few times but don't give up!  Pretend to be who you want to be until you get to be who you really are!  Now, if you will excuse me, I have to get back to my modeling.  PLEASE!  Enjoy some of my modeling photos below.

Be HappyBe Healthy!

I had so much fun making these but my husband didn't like them.  Huh,... no sense of humor!  

1 comment:

  1. How ugly. I like the real Alyssa much better that those ugly versions. You look worse than you did as a "Bag-Bot".
    - Wilma Phillips
