Wednesday, February 29, 2012



In order to reach our goals, we must be able to see it. It has to be about what we want and how we plan to achieve it. If someone tells us, is it really ours? We need to put forth the effort in the planning as well as the doing. 

When I found myself following a book's order of things, I grew frustrated. I didn't like being told exactly what to eat and what my exercise plan would be. I wanted to be in charge of those things. I wanted to be able to incorporate my favorite foods and feel confident as well as competent. When I'm being told what to do and when, I feel more like a disobedient child waiting to rebel! I have to be able to do it all and if things fall apart, have myself to blame. 

My topic for this Sunday is titled Paper Dolls. It has to do with a way I found, as a WW Leader to help see the goal 'I' planned for me. I am hoping that my idea will help others to see theirs too. I always have fun doing this one. I hope others enjoy and can take from my actions and become more of a Visualist as well! 

Be Happy❤Be Healthy!

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