Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Ab Roller -vs- Ab Lounger (sport) ~vs~Girth


The Ab Roller verses The Ab Lounger verses Girth

       Okay, you all have seen me in full-bodied photos and pieces.  I am no longer that curvaceous woman my husband met ten years ago - I'm a curved woman.  Get it?  Curvaceous...curved...ah, forget it!  

     Anyway, I am tired of my huge mid-section.  I've read so many times that having the apple shape (I think I'm more of a large marshmallow) is very dangerous due to high cholesterol, blood pressure, triglycerides and insulin.  That if your waist is larger than 35 inches as a woman and 40 or more for men, you're in the purchase line for a ticket on the Medic's Express!  Fine.  I'm ready to do something about it.

     I've given myself a challenge.  I have challenged my Ab Roller, given to me by my in-laws and my Ab Lounger to a duel against my girth!  I have decided to use them to make my stomach smaller!  So why the challenge?

     First, I am so sick of my pants, jeans, dresses, shorts etc not sitting quite right because of my darned marsupial pouch!  I know I carried both children there but dang!   My first-born is 21 and my youngest is 7-  I should not have that thing there anymore!  I've lost significant amounts of weight twice and the pouch will not leave!  I want it gone.

     I keep saying that once we win the lottery, the first thing I will do after paying off the bills and getting my new Dodge Nitro and 4WD Jeep Wrangler that I would get a tummy tuck but I don't want to have the surgery do the job for me.  I want it to just get rid of the stuff that weight-loss leaves behind.  What I call War Wounds...

     So I am challenging both machines to give me all they've got to rid me of my Mid-Section Inches!  Every day, from now until the end of the month, I will hit the Ab Lounger for twenty minutes in the morning and the Ab Roller for twenty before bed.  I will do this until the end of the month and see what the results are.   Whatcha think?

     I am also doing something that many others would never admit to.  Something my mom and I have been doing with chuckles for years.  I am going to measure my waist on the pouch and under the pouch, thus my girth!  For those that don't understand, I am going to measure my inches where my waist and hips are supposed to be and then where they sit because of how my belly is.  LOL  You get it?

   Well the numbers are in and:
Waist: 40
Hips: 42
(Where they're supposed to be)

(on the girth!

     Wow!  My body sucks- I am a marshmallow!  I have a man's waist and my hips would be cool...  if I didn't have a man's waist!  They match my Lady Pillows so if I could at least have a 35 inch waist, I'd have some proportion, you!  LOL

     Okay, that's done.  Cheer me on as I kick my waist's butt!  I am doing this, having already begun the morning program and I took a jog too.  Laugh with me because this is gonna be funny.  

Wish me luck...

Be HappyBe Healthy!


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