Monday, April 2, 2012

Springing Into April Goals


     Okay, so it's the first Monday in April.  Wow, the year is flying by.  Before you know it, I'll be 41....Anyway!  So I have begun to look at what I'd like to accomplish this month.  I grabbed the iPad photo of March's goals and compared them to the new ones for this month.  I set out to achieve some cool stuff...Did I accomplish them all?

     First, did I Stay Positive?
Why yes, yes I did, thank you.  I managed to look all kinds of aggravation and frustration in the face and still hold a smile.  I'm going to tell you, it was not easy though.  I had a lot take place and I didn't think we'd all pull through, especially my daughter but we Phillips women are strong!  Not to mention I have a lot of Facebook page friends that really keep me going.  They are more than positive and do so much for people all over this country and outside of it.  Thank you all!

     Did I Eat Meat 3X's this Month?
Uh, duh!  I ate meat a tad bit more than three unfortunately.  This month's meat challenge was a huge FAIL!  So what happened?  I blame it on my trip to Graceland in Memphis.  I started off great but there weren't a lot of meatless items for me to try and the ones I did were horrible!  It was a huge bust and I can't blame anyone but me....Me and Memphis that is!

     Follow C25K Program?
Not only did I follow the C25K Program, I'm still running with it...pun intended!  (it's an 8 week program) LOL  I like it and it helps give me a sense of accomplishment.  I never imagined myself jogging on a regular basis or actually enjoying the idea of jogging a marathon.  I wish I could put myself in the category of a runner but that just isn't happening.  I'm a jogger and walker and I can live with that.  

I also found some fun apps to keep me going between training.  I think that once I'm done with this, I'll stay on track much easier and will be happy too.  I see jogging as a regular thing for me, eventually becoming a daily ritual.  Yay me!

     Did I Finish the Kettlebell Work Out?
I did work on the Kettlebell Work-Out but I didn't finish but it's not a fail.  Luckily for me, the program is for 6 weeks so it will count for me as a Completion until the middle of this month!  I do like it though.  It's a very thorough program where it hits each and every muscle, making you exhausted but toned and fit. (I've lost inches but I'll take care of measurements later.)

The first night I tried it, I couldn't even do the entire routine.  I felt I was about to have a heart attack!  I was light-headed and stuff!  I whined and complained but the next time, I got almost completely through.  From then on, I was set.  Another cool thing about the program is that each week, the routines change.  That keeps you from getting bored and quitting.  There are six weeks of programs- I got the right one baby!  I paid about $55 for it all but I don't regret one red cent!  In my militant change: "This is my kettle bell. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My kettle bell is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my kettle bell is useless. Without my kettle bell, I won't loess any weight- it would be useless. I must train with my kettle bell true. I must push harder than my previous me, who is trying to defeat me. I must beat me before I quit on me. I will. Before God I swear this creed."

     Finally, Lose 5 lbs?
Nope!  And that's all I got 'ta say about that!  LOL
I lost a total of 3.8 pounds this month and I blame no one but me.  I had things going on this month but I allowed it to stop from either eating right or getting my exercise in.  I can't say it was the trip or the aggravation with dealing with my grands more or my son cutting up!  It was me and I can accept that responsibility.

     So with all of that being said, I have properly adjusted my April goals.  The awesome thing is, I have a trip at the end of the month but I will be traveling with my mom, Wilma and she is focused on eating right just like me.  There will be no deviation; no excuses and no weight gains!  That's one thing I am proud to brag on.  I haven't gained anything so I am pushing forward.

     I will do this by continuing in my positivity.  Nothing keeps the motivation flowing that encouragement.  I will seek out other means of keeping my Facebook members moving in the right direction by telling them the things they need to hear and in turn, they will send the same vibes my way, thus staying positive.  Most importantly though, I have to keep me going too.  I can't always look for others to keep me on the right track.  I need to 'do' me as I 'do to others' yeah?

     This month, I will stick to my 3 days a month of meat.  I've come a long way and don't want to lose my momentum with this.  I still plan on being 100% meat-free by the end of the month and will not allow myself to fail.  I can to do this, hands down!

     I have some new toys, as you can see.  I found some resistance bands at Wal-Mart last week for $9.98!  I've never used them before but thought, why not?  I am always looking to experience new and exciting things.  With these new bands, I see myself working out in my bedroom or the living room with ease.  I also see my grandchildren tearing them up if I'm not careful!

     I've heard both positive and negative feedback on the bands so I don't really know what to expect.  I can already tell by reading the booklet that it's all up to me.  Let's see where it takes us.  Who knows, maybe I'll do another demo!  lol

     I found that this month, I dealt with so much flippity-flam that I didn't get to take care of me!  I didn't have my hot, Karma Bubble Bath on Wednesdays like I normally would NEVER have skipped!  I didn't get to the park for my walks on Saturday mornings, earning me 6.5 miles and lastly, I didn't get to work on my book!  These will not happen again.  I need my breaks and quiet time.  These will be made Priority One this month....remaining so thereafter.

     My C25K program is really great and I don't see any trouble getting through another month.  My first marathon (Run For Your Life Run!  Zombie 5K Marathon) isn't until August, so I have plenty of time to train.  I love the program and it's routine is perfect for me.  I won't stop that no matter what and I plan to jog/run from here on out as well.

     Lastly, I haven't lost five pounds in a month since I first began but it doesn't mean it can't happen again.  I am really going to push this month.  I may change my eating habits or maybe even hop on a foot program.  I don't like being told what to eat but maybe that will help me out.  We'll see.

     The last thing I'd like to address...what were your goals and did you accomplish any?  I really am looking for everyone to join me on this.  Don't just slide though your months; find something you really want to shoot for and write it down.  Make it concrete and hold yourself accountable!

Until next time...

Be HappyBe Healthy!

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