Looking For Alyssa
The thing is, I ate well, didn't get much working out and thought as possible as I could. I still gained a bit of weight. BUT I DID LOSE 2.2 POUNDS! Yay! The thing is, I'm still lost. I can't find myself. I've endured so much, helped others and stayed positive and still I can't find the thinner me inside. I feel like I've failed myself these past six plus months and still, this morning, I got up, hit church and walked. I won't stop.
Who am I? I know I'm a healthier version of myself. I've cut red and white meat from my diet. I am living the life of a Pescatarian and enjoying it. I haven't felt the need to eat any candy but found so many other replacements that are better for me instead. I got rid of all the salt in my house, other than bath salts and even those may be leaving soon. I purchased the entire line of Mrs. Dash and am loving it- the boys are too! I'm so excited. I even convinced them to only purchase organic meats and veggies from market instead of the grocers. I know it's more expensive but I've been doing way too much reading and don't want the toxins... or the chance of the pesticides that I've beed educated on through Environmental Working Group: <link>www.ewg.org/foodnews/</link>. Yet, I'm still over-weight!
My husband, bless him, always says that it's alright. That I know I have a condition that prevents me from losing the weight as i'd like but COME ON! I refuse to use that as an excuse. There are people all over the world that have the same condition and are smaller than me. What is it that prevents me from getting where I wanna be?

Even with all of this going on, I think I know why I'm behind so drastically. I think I'm the reason. I don't' know what it is exactly but I'll figure it out. I don't want to keep jumping from one plan to another or resort to liquid tactics. I want to do this the right way. I want to succeed and show others that it can be done, just as I see in others on the same journey. I am looking for ideas. I am looking for weight-loss tactics. I am looking for Alyssa.
If you have any issues with metabolism and your thyroid and have some tips that I can follow and pass alone through my website and Facepage, please let me know. I'm not stopping - will get back to my thinner, healthier self. I am just looking for some new ideas in order to get there! I'll share what I get no matter what friends.
Thank you for reading and keep Sparking!
Be Happy❤Be Healthy!
THIS IS FROM MY MOM: W. Phillips"Hi darling daughter. Sometimes you have to trick you body by doing something different. Yes, you have become a -- well I call it a vegetarian. Maybe you need to change your diet by adding some things you don't usually eat. Increase your calories but continue to drink your water and exercise. Maybe you need to eat a little candy so that your body will be shocked and say "WHAT'S GOING ON?" Eat whatever you want for about two days and then go back to your diet. Don't go overboard, but do something different. I have found when I don't eat all the WW points, I don't lose weight too well. Your body may think you are starving it and is holding onto the fat. I hope this works. I have to go because it is starting to thunder. Love you.