Hey Gang!
I just wanted to tell you that I am moving my blogging to an actual website I've put together. I've been wanting to do this for a while and now I'm able to do so. There's so much more I'll be able to do and I can post my videos without the delay and hassle that I was receiving from YouTube and Facebook, allowing me more control of what is added.
I want to thank you all for riding this wave with me for the past year and I hope that you can continue to enjoy what's new for 2013. I've already begun posting to the new site. The link is:
Join me for the new year as things can do nothing but get better and better!
Be Happy ❤ Be Healthy!
"Creating Me" from Creating From Within
This site is to assist me in obtaining friends and support while I walk my weight-loss journey. I am looking to learn and teach. Thank you and please leave encouraging comments! Your likes and dislikes are welcomed as long as you give to me in a positive way! Be Happy❤Be Healthy!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Seriously Gang... Seriously?
You know I love my country, the US of A but there is a problem with our beloved nation. I'm not political by any means but we are poisoning ourselves. I got a quick peek at a photo today from another I belong to and sought out this article. Please read this!
If others are protesting this, why aren't we?
I'm just saying. I love you all.
Be Happy❤Be Healthy!
You know I love my country, the US of A but there is a problem with our beloved nation. I'm not political by any means but we are poisoning ourselves. I got a quick peek at a photo today from another I belong to and sought out this article. Please read this!
If others are protesting this, why aren't we?
I'm just saying. I love you all.
Be Happy❤Be Healthy!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
5th Place!
I just got an email from the Mercy Ministries 5K Family Fun Run and Walk. The results, I know, I showed off like crazy but I have news! I just got news that I- Oh, let me show you:
Age Group Race Report as of 10/27/2012 3:49:23 PM for Female 40 to 49 in division 5K
Place Bib # Name Start Finish Total Pace
1 902 Dorthy Stombaugh 09:08:18 09:37:59 00:29:41 9:35
2 296 Kim Knittig 09:08:18 09:46:17 00:37:59 12:15
3 295 Patty Griesenauer 09:08:18 09:47:39 00:39:21 12:42
4 255 Patty Lane 09:08:18 09:51:47 00:43:29 14:02
5 247 Alyssa Hunt 09:08:18 09:55:26 00:47:08 15:12
I scored 5th place for my age group!
Can you believe it? Granted, that means there weren't many 40-49 year olds but still- I placed in the top Ten AND top Five!
Yay Team Alyssa!
Be Happy❤Be Healthy!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Patterns: Self-Fulfilling Prophesy
Here's a quick one for ya!
Have you noticed that every day of our lives, we're recycling a pattern? From the time we wake with the alarm to bedtime, we repeat ourselves. If we work to stay positive then we more than likely have a positive day. Things flow our way: we make every light before it turns yellow; we clock in with the perfect amount of time before we have to get busy at our jobs (except me, since I work at home). We carry a smile that people around us appreciate and they reflect that smile right back at you. Isn't that awesome?
But when we get up and fall from the wrong side of the bed, it gets things rolling down Mount Fuji at a pace that makes everyone we meet fall right behind us. Even when you come in contact with someone carrying a smile can become victim to your foul attitude. And it carries on until you fall asleep that night.
We have to be careful of this process. We have to create a new pattern each day. Now can that become repetitive? Sure but it's the good kind, you know? The thing is, each day you wake up in appreciation that you woke up, you are starting your day off with positivity. You are creating a new You and your day. You can roll through your day, knowing exactly what you want to achieve and actually accomplish it.
Whether you're trying to squeeze in some exercise, cut out an item from your diet or add more vegetables in- you can do it! I know you can.
And in the immortal words of Forrest Gump: That's all I'm gonna say about that!
Be Happy❤Be Healthy!
Have you noticed that every day of our lives, we're recycling a pattern? From the time we wake with the alarm to bedtime, we repeat ourselves. If we work to stay positive then we more than likely have a positive day. Things flow our way: we make every light before it turns yellow; we clock in with the perfect amount of time before we have to get busy at our jobs (except me, since I work at home). We carry a smile that people around us appreciate and they reflect that smile right back at you. Isn't that awesome?
We have to be careful of this process. We have to create a new pattern each day. Now can that become repetitive? Sure but it's the good kind, you know? The thing is, each day you wake up in appreciation that you woke up, you are starting your day off with positivity. You are creating a new You and your day. You can roll through your day, knowing exactly what you want to achieve and actually accomplish it.
Whether you're trying to squeeze in some exercise, cut out an item from your diet or add more vegetables in- you can do it! I know you can.
And in the immortal words of Forrest Gump: That's all I'm gonna say about that!
Be Happy❤Be Healthy!
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Matching Your Outside With Who You Are On The Inside
Matching Your Outside With Who You Are On The Inside
Have you ever opened your eyes from a good night's sleep and felt like a million bucks, only to gaze into the mirror and think, "Who the heck is that?" have you ever felt like crap but as soon as you got on your feet, you knew you could defeat any obstacle that faced you? It's crazy right? How can we be two people in one shell? Well, I don't know about you all but I have about thirty or forty different personas within this shell! LOL I kid, I kid. But really, have you experienced this?Well, don't feel bad. We all have. I've done a bit of research on this and feel like I"m a professional. I know that when you feel good in the mornings, the psychological reference to this feeling is: FEELING GOOD! How about that? And when you wake up and you feel like morning road kill, it's diagnosed as FEELING BAD. See that, I've diagnosed us all!
Here's the deal: Our feelings and our appearance do not always sync. There are times, especially for us women, when we just can't match our outside with our inside! No matter what we do, it's just not tangible, so we put on masks. We pretend to be what we are not until the feeling hits us. Problem is, it doesn't always happen. We have to do our best to stay away from that state.
When it comes to us being healthy and losing weight, we tend to wake with feelings of inadequacy, disappointment and despair because we can't get the control we desire. We end up disliking and even hating ourselves. Then we don't care and just do whatever we do, adding the pounds on, leading to more upset which puts more food in our mouths or stops the exercise that takes us to self-hatred.
I can relate to these feelings. I've been through many cycles of Karate Kid's Weight On- Weight Off to last a lifetime! This can be prevented. First we have to appreciate ourselves for who we really are. I could be made at myself ro not losing much weight this past year but what would it get me? Frustration, binge eating and no exercise. Will I allow myself to go there? Heck no! Because I do like me, really I do. I also have appreciation for who I am because I know I have drive and enough love to give my husband and children without excluding myself. This can be done.
Once I appreciate myself, then I want to make sure I remember that I matter. How I feel must be addressed and catered to. With this being done, I know I carry value and am more than just my weight. I know that I am worth every bit of time and money that I spend on making myself a better woman. I then place my value and appreciation into action.
With action, I can accomplish anything. I make goals for myself and if I fall short- I don't beat myself up. I learn from the experience and devise a new plan. One that will get me where I need to be through adjustments and positive attitude. Is it easier said than done?
It can be done and anyone can do it. You just have to believe. Remember my vlog on Paper Dolls? (Youtube Week 10- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpgurOVTiS4&feature=g-upl). All you have to do is give yourself a goal and stick to it. If you have problems sticking to it, devise a back-up plan!
I am actually making a vlog on Back Up's tonight. I'll hopefully have it uploaded with no Facebook issues. I hope you all enjoy it and can empathize with me. We're a team and I desire feedback and ideas as much as the next gal. We don't have to feel alone in this. We keep each other perked up and pushing forward because that's what we're supposed to do.
I'll see you tomorrow and remember to...
Be Happy❤Be Healthy!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
How I'm Feeling...
How I'm Feeling...
Have you ever set out to do something? Have you ever taken the time to plan, organize and motivate yourself? Okay, so now that you've more than likely said yes to these; have you ever done all of said above and it didn't get you where you wanted to be? Have you repeatedly tried and tried and all you've received in return are tears, cries of frustration and anger? Now we're getting somewhere huh?
What did you do after you threw your tantrum? Did you say "I Quit!" and throw everything around the house? Did you tell your cohorts, "It's my ball and I'm going home!" Or did you sit and stare everything down, your mind already engaged in a form of retaliation? Me? Well, I'm the latter. I throw my fit and then I look at it all, even my behavior, and start mapping out a new strategy.
Last year, I weighed 245 pounds. I was miserable, thought I was in a state of Peri-menopause and couldn't understand why I kept swelling up like a Sunday ham on one day and then exhausted the next. I was in a state of depression and confusion. I put together the idea of making myself a page to jot down my ideas and even make videos on them. I wanted to share my struggles with others and see what it got me. So, what was the result of all that planning?
It first off got me this neat page. LOL Then I got a Facebook page where so many friends- 399 to be exact, joined me and gave me so much self-value and information! I get up every day and see what's going on with them and in turn, they check me out! I have words that come from a beautiful woman named Eileen Marshall (Hi Eileen!) and I get awesome information from a technical point of view like the page, The Science of Eating. Then I have pages like The Size of My Life, Smiles and Rainbows: Positive Ways with Patricia Love and so many others, that help me feel better about who I am now while I transition into what I want to become later! I would have quit had it not been for these people and so many others.
I learned a great deal about myself this year. In 2012, even though it's not ever yet, I have discovered that I am truly in Menopause. No dancing around it, no possibilities- nope! I am a Hot Flasher and Moody Aggravator! And it's alright. I can deal because it adds to what I've been fighting against this past year, like weight gain, migraines and such. So cool, right?
I also learned that my thyroid as been super-duper low and that's why all of my efforts got me loss and then gain again. It explains why I was developing swollen ankles and fingers, my headaches, my depression and many other symptoms. It's a truly trying issue for me but now that I know, I have new ammunition. This is my time to Adapt, Adjust and Move on!
So as I prepare to move into the year 2013, I feel even more positive and ready for challenges. I'm weening myself free of the medication my GYN prescribed me. I am keeping my BP low and my Doc is proud. I will get my TSH levels back on track and get this weight off. I WILL get back into my skinny jeans and be healthy when I do it!
Now this year isn't over. We are now entering the time of year that's frightening to us all: Halloween candy, Thanksgiving trimmings and Christmas treats. The thing is, I am not afraid. I will see these things as the minor obstacles that they are. By the end of this year, I know that I will be down in my weight again. I will not stop. I can't! I will be down, be healthy, feeling great and looking good! And so will you.
I know this!
Be Happy❤ Be Healthy!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
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