Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Even When You're Sick

Even When You're Sick!

     You know, when I get sick I just want to stay in bed and mope.  I want to nurse myself back to health with no talking, questions or other home responsibilities.  But as a homeschooling house-wife that's kinda impossible.
     I still have duties that will go undone and that's just not acceptable.  My husband is a wonderful man but to work all day, then come home to teach, wash dishes, cook and clean afterwards is simply wrong.  I love my hub dearly and wouldn't dare subject him to such.  So I have to take care of myself.
     I do my best to eat right and plenty of good chicken soup.  Did you know cysteine, an amino acid that’s released by cooked chicken. It’s chemically similar to a bronchitis drug, acetylcysteine, and it works with other soup ingredients to reduce inflammation. Salty broth also helps thin mucus. {http://www.intelligenius.net/foods-to-eat-when-you-are-sick/}.  I just knew that it was good for colds but never knew why.  I love that.  I also leaned thatYogurt with active cultures, that are also know as probiotics or live healthy bacteria, can help fight colds in the first place. One, Lactobacillus reuteri (found in Stonyfield Farm yogurt) are very good. {same article, as mentioned above}.
     So when you get sick, take time to drink plenty of fluids, like tea- which helps your body fight viruses and inflammation.  Also, add a bit of peppermint.  It's great and helps with upset tummies and GERD.  

     I hope none of you catch anything too rough.  I am feeling much better but I am still under.  I got a flu shot yesterday but I don't blame it.... much.  LOL  I will be back with you late today.

Be HappyBe Healthy!

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