~Water 'Robics~

That's where aquatics came into play. Being blessed with a complex that provides both a heated, indoor pool, sauna and an outdoor pool, I'm able to satiate that thirst to be engulfed in water! I get to play anytime my heart so-desires! Then something caused me to waver...
Well, since being in the weight-loss game again, I have to say that I'm a tad more conscientious about my pool attire. Spring is coming and soon everyone is going to out in their:
and I'll be looking like➽
I know that this suite is cute to look at and all but seriously, when girls are looking like they've got hard-bodies I don't want to be near them! I'm bulbous and now flabby and nobody wants to see that! I don't want to have to hide in the water until it's been deserted. And I don't want to look like that person, when they climb out and the water is pulling everything down...You know what I'm talking about, don't you?
I remember when I was pregnant with my now 7-year old son; I wanted to exercise and beat the gestational diabetes I'd developed. I also wanted my girlish figure to return; it had somehow eluded me. I opted for an aquatics class and was so thrilled! Then I realized that I'd made a mistake. The class I signed up for was a Senior class. I was the youngest one in there! I was like, "Holy smoke, I'm gonna hit this class with no work-out at all! They can't handle what I'm looking for!" LOL Oh was I sadly mistaken!
Those ladies kicked my butt every week! It really did a job on me and I always left feeling great and toned- although even then, my bathing suit was ugly next to some of theirs! Those gals were hotties even up in age!
My thing with this blog is, who cares what you look like in the true scheme of things. We're going to look a certain way until we get to that certain way we want to look. Who cares if your belly sticks out? When you've reached your goal, that belly won't even be there. The most important thing is, you're doing what you need to do to burn calories, tone muscle and enrich your life that much more.
This week's Sunday vlog is titled "Splash". Enjoy a walk through reasons why water aerobics is great for you and have fun with a few laughs!
Take care and remember to...
Be Happy❤Be Healthy!
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